whoUK Health Minister of Parliament, Matt Hancock appeared on ITV’s Good Morning Britain citing the film Contagion as one of his inspirations for his response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Matt Hancock says the film Contagion was ‘not his only’ source of advice on the issue of vaccines.
He says based on the epidemiological advice he was focused on ensuring the UK production of the vaccine protected the UK first.
Watch GMB👉https://t.co/6iQ6ebeOEQ pic.twitter.com/NYUaenJpxe
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) February 3, 2021
For some strange reason, he appears to find this funny. Watch the video to see for yourself. Why am I posting about it here on a blog about creativity?
Well, this exchange made me think along these lines: Contagion = film. Film = creative industry. Government looks to the said creative industry to solve its problems, right?
It sure seems like it doesn’t it. But what support has the Government given to those in the creative industries? Who are unable to work and not allowed to claim from the state? Most of my creative friends ,who through no fault of their own, find themselves in this situation, they have had to take on other “gig economy” jobs or tried to find a way to move online in order to key a roof over their head and in other cases feed their family.
Does that mean they have to wait for the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak to have a “Netflix ‘n’ Chill” session with his mate “Matt” to watch Contagion to find a solution? Or maybe he might want to watch Outbreak at Jiggy & Lolli’s #CovidCinema.
Do you think Mr Hancock believes he’s a Television presenter or a comedian? Who knows.
As much as I go by the mantra “If you don’t laugh you will cry”, I think some of these Government ministers need to take things a bit more seriously.
Where would you get your inspiration from? What do you think?
Let us know what films you use to get you through serious moments.