Love In Antwerp

Usually when I travel, especially if it’s somewhere I’m visiting for the first time, I give my self enough time to do a photo walk. If you’ve never heard of a photo walk or photo walking, it’s basically wandering around talking photos as you explore.

The Photowalk

This was my second visit to Antwerp for another Roller Skating based event, and as usual, it clashed with a Red Rolled and Seen photography workshop. So seeing as I was double booked. I contacted Bella, the creator of Red Rolled and Seen, and asked if I could join in remotely. Whilst standing in a park in Antwerp as the sun rose, I whipped out my phone and WhatsApped Bella. My question was “how would you feel if I took the ‘Love’ theme of the workshop and instead of Peckham being the location, use Antwerp?”. With enthusiasm and a bucketful of support, Bella said yes! Instantly I switched focus and began seeking out ways to visualise love, but this photography swiftly turned into a short project on challenging the idea of love.

Heres’s some of the shot’s I put forward for the workshop.


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It’s 229 miles from Peckham, London to Antwerp, Belgium, but “Love” exists all day, everyday, all across the globe. . . These shot’s taken as part of the @redrolledandseen #Love #PhotowalkChallenge, candidly explore situation where the love is? . . What “Love” is, is open to interpretation and even between those connected by love, they have different ideas of what “it” is. The expectations it creates, and the fear of not having it lead to a load of stories. . . Love isn’t really visible, but peoples idea of love is. So if you can’t see your perception of Love… is it still love? . . Is it even for us to question??? . ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡. . . 📸 @craigjiggy #CraigJiggySnaps . . . #TeamJiggy #CandidPhotography #PhotoChallenges #photography #documentinglife #Antwerp #Belgium #streetphotography #AntwerbyLondoners #Photowalking #Photowalks #SmartPhonePhotography

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But is your idea of “love” and how do you capture it?

Visit Antwerp

Antwerp has a really good transport network, but apart from using 1 tram, it’s easy to walk around it’s flat, sometimes cobbled streets. Why not visit for yourself and witness the tonnes of outdoor arts, the culture and the stories carved into the buildings. Search for somewhere to stay.