TeamJiggy Night on Venus vs Mars

TeamJiggy Night on Venus vs Mars

So tonight is the big night! Catch our Elisha Myton on Venus vs Mars on Sky Living HD as Venus’ feisty cousin Leah. Make sure you tune in this and every Thursday 11 on Sky Living for the next 5 weeks!

We’re sure we don’t need to remind you but just in case #ourgirl @elishamyton makes her @skylivinghd #debut as Leah! @…

Posted by Jiggy Creationz on Monday, 13 April 2015

And if that wasn’t enough you may also notice one of the creators of It’s My Magazine, Krystle Downie, make a little Cameo appearance of her own. Loving the Dance move Krys!

Big shout out to the girls doing their thing – #TeamJiggy Rocks!